Meet the SCN2A Warriors
Spread Awareness by Sharing Your Story
These personal pages are a way for you to share your child's story. Once created you can share the page with friends and family to help raise awareness about Autism and Epilepsy.
Pages can also be used to help raise funds for The FamilieSCN2A Foundation. Your generous donations will go directly toward research, awareness, and to provide educational and emotional support for patients and families by connecting them with other families affected by SCN2A.
Click here to begin creating your Personal Page. Once submitted, you will receive a link to your child's Personal Page. All information submitted will be processed within two weeks of being received.

International SCN2A Awareness Day
What’s the significance of SCN2A Day being 2/24 (February 24th)?
Located on the long (q) arm of chromosome 2 at position 24.3 the SCN2A is sodium channel, voltage gated, type II alpha subunit. Sodium ion channels are proteins in cells that allow sodium to pass to the inside. Sodium ion channels play a key role in a cell's ability to generate and transmit electrical signals. When there is a deletion or mutation of this gene it has been identified to cause autism, epilepsy and other neurological issues like movement disorders, dystonia and dsyautonomia to name just a few.
SCN2A Awareness Day will help us accomplish the FamilieSCN2A Foundation mission to improve the lives of those affected by SCN2A related disorders through research, public awareness, family support and patient advocacy.
We proclaimed 2/24 as the official SCN2A Awareness Day in 12 states – only 38 to go! To start the proclamation process in your state, email
SCN2A Facts
DIY Fundraiser
Creating a personal campaign page gives you a chance to do something small, but make a big impact. You can spread the word about SCN2A-related disorders and get your friends and family to rally behind a cause close to your heart. How you might ask, would I do this?
A FEW IDEAS (but we encourage creativity!)
- » Donate your birthday by asking everyone who was going to buy you a gift to donate to your personal fundraiser page instead!
- » Do you have an upcoming wedding or another major celebration? Ask your inner circle to put their gift money to good use and donate to your fundraiser!
- » Run/walk/ride your own mini-marathon – do it outside the house OR you can do it indoors on a treadmill or a stationary bike!
- » Record yourself breaking a personal record doing an activity that you love and ask spectators to donate to the cause you love!
- » Any other creative idea!
Create your Fundraiser page today! Need help or ideas, contact
Other Ways to Get Involved
Whatever you decide, please let us know. We are here to support you with ideas, resources and more. Check out the FamilieSCN2A Fundraising Page on facebook to see how others have helped.
Raise Funds
Sign up with iGive, an automated program that donate a portion of online sales to charity.
Make a Donation
We are a registered 501(c)(3) organization, so your donations are tax deductible!
Donate Now