Hi, I'm Parker.
Parker learned how to roll over at 1 month old!
Parker is a 6 month old sweet baby boy who loves cuddles, reading colorful books, and trying new foods! Parker was born in Germany and struggled to eat and was diagnosed with Failure to Thrive and Global Developmental Delays at 2 months old. After these diagnosis Parker moved with his family to Denver, Colorado to be supported by family and a great medical team.
Parker was diagnosed with SCN2A at 5 months old and had his first infantile spams and tonic seizures at 6 months old. He was also diagnosed with Cortical Visual Impairment, Hypotonia, Chorea Movement Disorder, and Torticollis.
But don’t think these keep him down! Parker loves to use his feet to play his piano, play with his hanging toys, and loves to listen to people singing. He loves to cuddle and be held. He is quite the noise maker, he has a different sound for everything.. especially when he is complaining about his PT tummy time!
He always makes everyone laugh with his long, exaggerated but very adorable yawns. Parker is a blessing in all of our lives and we are so grateful for him!