Thanks to donors from all over the world, the FamilieSCN2A Foundation is able to help fund research to better understand SCN2A, find effective treatments and work toward finding a cure! We are excited to be able to award grants toward research and provide information on other grant programs available.
The FamilieSCN2A Hodgkin-Huxley Research Grant
The FamilieSCN2A Hodgkin-Huxley Grant program was created to honor the achievements of Dr. Alan Hodgkin and Dr. Andrew Huxley and their innovative modeling of action potentials, as well as their contributions which laid the groundwork for neuroscience research on the molecular, cellular, and circuit levels.
Unsolicited, year-round LOIs accepted. Full application invitations on a rolling basis as long as funds are available.
The FamilieSCN2A Action Potential Grant
Through our investigator-initiated grant program, the FamilieSCN2A Foundation hopes to accelerate the development of therapeutic treatments and disease-modifying advancements for those living with changes in the SCN2A gene. This grant program is designed to facilitate preliminary investigations that will potentially lay the groundwork for subsequent grants from the government, industry, or other funding sources, including the FamilieSCN2A Foundation.
The FamilieSCN2A Foundation is interested in supporting research that advances understanding of the cellular, molecular, genetic, and systems-level mechanisms of SCN2A-related disorders. However, priority will be given to innovative projects which could potentially lead to therapeutic treatments or a cure for those with SCN2A-related disorders.
A maximum of 10% indirect costs (IDC) can be requested. The total amount requested, inclusive of IDC, cannot exceed $75,000.00.
There is funding in 2024 to support two $75,000 Action Potential awards.
Orphan Disease Center - Million Dollar Bike Ride Pilot Grant
Request for Applications (RFA) is broadly distributed to the international scientific community requesting pilot grant proposals to study the diseases represented in the MDBR. The ODC secures philanthropic donations that are used to match, dollar‐for‐dollar, the funds raised by our cyclists. The scientific leadership of the ODC and its extramural advisors review the applications and grant awards to those of the highest scientific merit which address the specific topics outlined in the RFA. The ODC will disperse the money to grantees and manage the progress of the science and spending on the award.
A full research grant will be funded by the FamilieSCN2A Foundation. FamilieSCN2A hopes to accelerate the development of therapeutic treatments and disease-modifying advancements for those living with changes in the SCN2A gene. Learn more at
Application Guidlines Funded ResearchOur Requests for applications (RFAs) serve a critical function in helping us fulfill Charles A. King Trust’s mission (to “support and promote the investigation of human disease and the alleviation of human suffering through improved treatment”.) These open calls for scientific proposals are Charles A. King Trust’s opportunity to consider some of the SCN2A research community’s most creative and impactful ideas.
Learn MoreOur requests for applications (RFAs) serve a critical function in helping us fulfill SFARI’s mission (“to improve the understanding, diagnosis and treatment of autism spectrum disorders by funding innovative research of the highest quality and relevance”). These open calls for scientific proposals are SFARI’s opportunity to consider some of the research community’s most creative and impactful ideas.
Application for SFARI GrantsThe Whitehall Foundation aims to support scholarly research in the life sciences that is not heavily supported by federal agencies or other foundations with specialized missions. The foundation is focused on supporting young scientists at the beginning of their careers and productive senior scientists who wish to move into new fields of interest. The foundation invites LOIs for two grant programs:
Research: Grants of up to $100,000 per year for two to three years will be awarded to established scientists working at accredited institutions in the United States. Grants will only be awarded to investigators who have received or expect to receive substantial support from other sources, even if it is for an unrelated purpose.
Grants-in-Aid: One-year grants of up to $30,000 will be awarded to researchers at the assistant professor level who experience difficulty in competing for research funds because they have not yet become firmly established. Grants-in-Aid can also be made to senior scientists.
The Simons Foundation Autism Research Initiative (SFARI) is pleased to announce the 2024 Linking Early Neurodevelopment to Neural Circuit Outcomes request for applications (RFA). The goal of this RFA is to bridge the gap in our understanding of whether and how developmental phenotypes caused by changes in ASD risk gene function lead to altered circuit formation and function.
More InformationAnnouncing the 2025 Hodgkin-Huxley Awardees:
Aislinn Williams
University of Iowa
Chris Ahern
University of Iowa
Theanne Griffith
University of Iowa
Characterization of non-epileptic phenotypes of SCN2A PTCs:
Many symptoms of SCN2A-related disorders may be unrelated to seizures, and the mechanisms that lead to non-seizure symptoms remain poorly understood. Dr. Aislinn Williams is collaborating with Dr. Chris Ahern and Dr. Theanne Griffith to characterize how loss-of-function mutations in SCN2A cause these symptoms, including sleep disturbances, autonomic dysfunction, and changes in pain sensation. This work will improve our understanding of SCN2A function more broadly, and may identify new treatment targets.
Announcing the 2023 Hodgkin-Huxley Awardees:
Kevin Bender
Bender Lab, UCSF
SCN2A loss of function, where a child has too little SCN2A, can lead to life-long difficulties in executing complex tasks. The first goal of this project is to determine whether similar difficulties can be observed in mice with Scn2a loss of function. Furthermore, we will evaluate whether deficits in these behaviors, as well as others we are exploring in the lab, are rescuable with gene therapy approaches that restore Scn2a levels to those found in neurotypical children. Here, our goal is to evaluate these therapies across a range of ages, with the goal of determining which aspects of behavior can be rescued later in life. This will help us understand developmental windows of opportunity for future clinical trials in children and, potentially, young adults.
Yang Yang
Yang Lab, Purdue University
Hundreds of different SCN2A genetic variants have been identified in children with autism or epilepsy. While some of them could be grouped into gain-of-function or loss-of-function variants, others are more complex. In particular, a splice-site variant of SCN2A has been identified in a child with autism. However, how this variant affects the Nav1.2 channel and neuronal activities is completely unknown, hindering the development of targeted interventions. The recent molecular and genomic revolution, including CRISPR-based genome editing technologies, offers enormous promise for treating genetic disorders like SCN2A-related disorders in an n=1 precision medicine manner. Funded by this inaugural Hodgkin-Huxley Research Award, Yang's lab will establish human-induced Pluripotent Stem Cells (hiPSCs) and rodent models of this SCN2A splice-site variant to understand disease mechanisms with clinical translation in mind. Disease phenotypes and global gene expression profiles will be studied to inform drug discovery. Yang lab will also develop cutting-edge gene therapy interventions aiming at correcting this SCN2A genetic variant in tiered model systems to bolster the translation potential of these transformative interventions. Moreover, Yang lab will be exploring next-gen chimeric mouse models with human cells to uncover in vivo phenotypes of human cells carrying SCN2A genetic variants to further increase the predictive value of preclinical disease models. These initial studies are expected to pave the way toward the ultimate clinical translation of promising interventions to improve the quality of life of individuals affected by SCN2A-related disorders.
Rikke Steensbjerre Møller
Danish Epilepsy Centre, Filadelfia/University of Southern Denmark
Bridging the gap between ongoing knowledge and clinical practice – establishment of an international SCN2A database
The aim of this collaborative project between Rikke Møller's and Dennis Lal’s research teams is to establish and maintain an international SCN2A database that can be used to study genotype-phenotype relationships in SCN2A-related disorders. The database will help to record the number of individuals per pathology as well as their distribution. Furthermore, data from the database can help describing the natural history of SCN2A-related disorders, identifying outcome measures and put the basis for drug trial readiness. The specific aims of the study are: 1) To establish and maintain a database including clinical, genetic and epidemiological data of all published individuals with SCN2A-related disorders 2) Assess all reported variants and classify according to the American College of Medical Genetics and Genomics guidelines and 3) integrate all data in the existing SCN portal ( – an interactive website designed to provide updated and comprehensive information on SCN2A-related disorders.
Orphan Disease Center - Million Dollar Bike Ride Pilot Grant
2023 Awardee
Paul M. Jenkins, PhD
Assistant Professor, Department of Pharmacology and Psychiatry, University of Michigan Medical School
Loss-of-function in the sodium channel NaV1.2 (SCN2A), where a child has too little channel function, is associated with autism spectrum disorders and intellectual disability, whereas gain-of-function in NaV1.2 is associated with seizure disorders. Surprisingly, a growing number of genetic variants in NaV1.2 seem to cause neurodevelopmental disorders without affecting electrical properties of the channel, suggesting that there are other mechanisms that could be contributing to SCN2A-related disorders. In order for neurons to function normally, NaV1.2 has to have normal functional properties and also has to be localized to the right place in the neuron. This process is controlled by a family of proteins called ankyrins, which anchor the channels in the correct place within the cell.
The goal of this project is to determine if SCN2A variants that were assumed to be associated with gain- or loss-of-function, but nevertheless appear completely normal via functional assays, hint that other channel properties, like its ability to be anchored in the membrane, are impaired. To test this, the Jenkins lab will use biochemical assays to determine the effects of five SCN2A variants with normal channel properties on their ability to bind ankyrins. Furthermore, we will use knockout-rescue-approaches in cultured mouse neurons to examine the localization of these channel variants within neurons. This work will not only shed light on mechanisms underlying important neurodevelopmental disorder-associated variants in SCN2A, but also provide insight into how rare variants could be contributing to the unique and variable phenotypes of SCN2A-associated disorders.
2022 Awardee
Samuel Young, Jr, PhD
Professor and Vice-Chair of Research, Department of Anatomy and Cell Biology, University of Iowa
Dr. Samuel M. Young, Jr is a Professor and Vice Chair for Research in the Department of Anatomy and Cell Biology and is a Professor and Director of Molecular Auditory Research in the Department of Otolaryngology at the University of Iowa Carver College of Medicine. Dr. Young is an Iowa Distinguished Scholar awardee and is a member of the Iowa Neuroscience Institute and Pappajohn Biomedical Institute. Dr. Young’s research focuses on two major areas:1) the Molecular Principles of Auditory Information Processing and 2) Gene Therapy Approaches for Neurological Disorders. He published numerous high impact papers in these areas and has provisional patents filed for his gene therapy work. He serves on the editorial board for Journal of Physiology and Physiological Reviews and is a NIH standing study section member of the AUD study section. In addition, he serves as a scientific advisor to 2 biotech companies. Dr. Young is a first-generation college graduate and was a 4-year member of the Princeton University football team where he was a starting defensive tackle on the 1995 Ivy League Championship team.
Prior to joining the University of Iowa in 2017, he was an Independent Max Planck Research Group Leader of Research Group-Molecular Mechanisms for Synaptic Function at the then newly created Max Planck Florida Institute for Neuroscience (2010-2017). Dr. Young carried out 2 postdoctoral work on the biophysical and molecular mechanisms of synaptic transmission under the direction of Erwin Neher at the Max Planck Institute for Biophysical Chemistry in the Department of Membrane Biophysics in Goettingen, Germany. He carried out postdoctoral work on molecular mechanisms of synaptic transmission and the development of viral vectors for neuronal transduction under the direction of Charles F. Stevens, MD. PhD at the Howard Hughes Medical Institute and the Salk Institute in La Jolla, California. He carried out his doctoral work in the Curriculum in Genetics and Molecular Biology program at the University of North Carolina- Chapel Hill on the characterization of Adeno-associated virus type-2 site specific recombination under the direction of R. Jude Samulski, PhD in the Gene Therapy Center Dr. Young completed his undergraduate at Princeton University, graduating in 1996 with an A.B in Molecular Biology where he carried his senior thesis research on p53 cell cycle control under the direction of Arnold J. Levine, PhD.
Announcing the 2024 Action Potential Grant Awardees:
Kathryn Salvati, PhD
The University of California, San Francisco (UCSF)
Children with SCN2A Related Disorders (SRDs) can be over- or under-responsive to sensory stimuli like sight, sound, smell and touch. In early development, parents are often the first to report altered touch sensitivity in their children. These observations include preferences or aversions to specific textures, sensory seeking behavior, like excessive touching of people or objects, and hyper- or hyposensitivity to touch. All affect a child’s ability to learn and socialize. I intend to investigate potential mechanisms to understand atypical touch sensitivity and perception in SCN2A-related loss-of-function, which is often related to a diagnosis of autism spectrum disorder (ASD). One brain region associated with touch is the primary somatosensory cortex (S1), and recent studies have shown altered S1 activity in people with ASD and mouse models with ASD-related genetic alterations. S1 has special neurons, the layer 5 (L5) pyramidal neuron (PYR), that act as coincident detectors to integrate sensory information from neighboring and distant brain areas to modulate touch perception. Our lab has shown that L5 PYR dendrite function relies on Scn2a and Scn2a loss-of-function impairs L5 PYR excitability. I will test the hypothesis that SCN2A loss of function impairs S1 L5 PYR sensory integration processes, that consequently, alter touch perception. I will use behavioral tasks and in vivo imaging techniques to assess S1 L5 PYR sensory integration processes and touch perception in Scn2a loss-of-function mice.
Megan Abbott, MD
Children’s Hospital Colorado
To ensure the approval of therapeutic treatments for individuals with SCN2A-related disorders (SRD), it is imperative to demonstrate significant clinical improvements. This project aims to establish the inaugural set of outcome measures tailored specifically for SCN2A-related disorders. The project will focus on refining a set of clinician and caregiver-reported outcome measures previously created for CDKL5-deficiency disorder and piloting them in patients with SRD. The overarching objective is to test the hypothesis that valid and feasible outcome measures can be designed specifically for SRD that represent the full range of clinical features beyond seizure frequency. We will refine these outcome measures through interviewing clinicians and caregivers and determining what aspects of the measure are appropriate for SRD. We will then pilot these two new measures in patients and their caregivers. These measures hold the potential to serve as end points in future trials for disease-modifying therapies for SRD.
Past Recipients: Action Potential Grant Awardees
2023 Awardee
Michael Coulter, MD, PhD
UCSF / Loren Frank Lab
Through the generous support of the FamilieSCN2A Foundation, my goal is to understand the neural mechanisms driving SCN2A loss of function (LOF) disorder and to develop treatments to help SCN2A LOF patients. My work focuses on modeling Scn2a loss of function in rats (Scn2a+/-), and I collaborate with other labs at UCSF (Dr. Kevin Bender and Dr. David Kastner). Together we study changes in cellular physiology, brain circuit activity patterns, and flexible learning in Scn2a+/- rats. We have found that spatial learning is impaired in Scn2a+/- rats and we are now measuring the brain activity patterns during learning in these rats. Two regions of the brain involved in spatial tasks are the hippocampus and prefrontal cortex, I am currently recording the neural activity in these two regions simultaneously during learning to identify mechanisms that underly these learning differences. We are also testing genetic rescue of Scn2a loss using a technique called CRISPR activation to increase Scn2a expression with the hopes of reversing the learning impairment in Scn2a+/- rats
2023 Awardees
Iria Gonzalez-Dopeso Reyes / Ye-Eun Yoo
Kremer Lab, Institut de Génétique Moléculaire de Montpellier / Yang Lab, Purdue University
Canine adenovirus type 2 (CAV-2) vectors serve as a potent tool for delivering genes of up to ~37kb in length, ensuring efficient and enduring expression of therapeutic genes. Notably, these vectors exhibit a high degree of selectivity for neuron transduction and are considered safe due to their low immunogenicity. In a collaborative effort, Ye-Eun from the Yang lab in the United States and Iria from the Kremer lab in France are working together to pioneer a novel gene delivery strategy using CAV-2 vectors containing SCN2A expression cassettes. Their research will assess the impact of this CAV-2 vector-mediated SCN2A gene delivery on rescuing behavioral and neuronal phenotypes in a mouse model of Scn2a deficiency. The anticipated outcome of this project is the development of an innovative gene delivery strategy capable of restoring SCN2A gene expression. With generous support from the FamilieSCN2A Foundation, this approach holds promise for clinical translation in future studies, offering a potential therapeutic avenue for individuals affected by SCN2A-related disorders.
2022 Awardee
Yuliya Voskobiynyk / Vivianna Denittis
UCSF Gladstone Institute
The goal of the project is to understand the role a deep brain region known as the thalamus may play in the generation of epileptic episodes in SCN2A-related disorders (SRD). We will focus on the thalamus because it is known to play a central role in other types of seizure disorders, as well as in sleep, attention, and cognitive processing, which are all known to be affected in SRD patients. The central hypothesis is that a reduction in SCN2A gene function causes alterations in the neurons and neuronal circuits connecting the thalamus to the brain cortex. We will test this hypothesis by investigating the electrical properties of these neurons and circuits in mice lacking one copy of the SCN2A gene.
Xiaoling Chen, Ph.D. & Jingliang Zhang, Ph.D.
Purdue University
In children carrying SCN2A variants, impaired motor function, repetitive behaviors, social deficits, and altered sensitivity are physiological hallmarks. However, the basic cellular mechanisms that underlie these altered behaviors remain largely unknown. Xiaoling Chen, a postdoc researcher in the Yang lab, is investigating Scn2a-related disorders using in vivo calcium imaging of freely moving mice as well as brain organoids derived from human induced pluripotent stem cells. Funded by the Action Potential Award from the FamilieSCN2A Foundation, Xiaoling’s research aims to identify novel cellular targets for the development of next-generation interventions to alleviate behavioral impairments of affected children carrying SCN2A variants.
Roy Ben-Shalom Ph.D., Assistant Professor
UC Davis MIND Institute / UC Davis Health Department of Neurology
The SCN2A gene encodes the neuronal sodium channel Nav1.2, which is critical for the electrical activity of many types of neurons. Mutations in the gene alter the properties of the NaV1.2 channel, disrupting the function of single neurons and potentially leading to abnormal neuronal circuitry. Ultimately, these effects lead to epilepsy and/or ASD in affected patients. In this proposal, I will explore how alterations to the NaV1.2 channel affect the function of single neurons. Using computational models that simulate neuronal activity, we will study how each variant modulates single neuron activity and then simulate different drugs to see if they can reverse those effects.
Utilizing computational models to simulate the effects of SCN2A variants on neuronal excitability and testing potential therapeutics
Chenyu Wang, MS
UCSF / Bender Lab
NaV1.2 sodium channels encoded by SCN2A are expressed throughout the brain. One region where NaV1.2 channels are expressed at very high levels is the cerebellum. The cerebellum is involved in motor control, motor learning, and—recently identified—various aspects of social interaction typically seen in children affected by SCN2A-related disorders. With the help of the FamilieSCN2A Foundation, our goal here is to understand how cerebellar function is altered in mouse models that lack one Scn2a allele, which models aspects of loss-of-function in SCN2A. In doing so, we hope not only to gain a better understanding of how SCN2A-related disorders affect the brain, but also to develop quantitative biomarkers that can be utilized to evaluate therapeutics.
★ $50,000 – Research Grant (1 year project)
★ Understanding cellular and behavioral effects of Scn2a haploinsufficiency in cerebellar circuits
Muriel Eaton
College of Pharmacy, Purdue University / Yang Lab
SCN2A variants affect children in a variety of ways. In particular, SCN2A loss-of-function or nonsense variants, which lead to SCN2A deficiency, are strongly associated with neurodevelopmental disorders such as autism spectrum disorder (ASD). Yang lab has been working on a novel Scn2a deficient mouse model, aiming to study mechanisms underlying Scn2a deficiency and test for novel interventions. Muriel Eaton, a PhD candidate in Yang lab, has been exploring the Scn2a-deficient mouse model during her training, and already discovered many characteristics of this mouse model including profound social deficits and other neurodevelopmental abnormalities. For the next phase of their research, they will study how to reverse Scn2a-deficits in the mouse model and to develop potential gene therapy for SCN2A-related disorders, thanks to research funding particularly this grant from FamilieSCN2A Foundation.
★ $50,000 – Research Grant (1 year project)
★ Advancing gene therapy in a preclinical mouse model of SCN2A deficiency
Eduardo Pérez-Palma, PhD
Genomic Medicine Institute, Cleveland Clinic / Chile
"Our lab focuses on the study of the genetics underlying epilepsy and neurodevelopmental disorders. We study which genetic variants can cause disease and how they can drive disease prognosis, comorbidity, and drug response. Specifically, our research aims to: 1) Unveil the effect of common, rare and structural genetic variation in cases and controls collected from an international collaborative network. 2) Develop tools for variant interpretation by integrating large scale data derived from patients and the general population. 3) Study epilepsy and neurodevelopmental disorders presentation in Latin America. South American countries have a higher prevalence of epilepsy, yet they are underrepresented in current genetic studies. We study Mapuche individuals, Chilean epilepsy cases and controls and patients with SCN2A-related disorders. Overall, our lab is growing a research profile focusing on interdisciplinary genomics and data science to bridge novel genetic knowledge with clinical practice – paving the way for personalized medicine with a particular focus on Latin American populations".
★ $50,000 – Research Grant (1 year project)
★ Integrating clinical and genetic variables to model SCN2A variant pathogenicity and outcomes
Sunita Misra, MD, PhD
Northwestern University / Lurie Children’s Hospital
*UPDATE December 2019*
In the past, anticonvulsant medications have not been tested for seizure reduction in mouse models of genetic epilepsy. Instead pre-clinical medication trials look at reduction of seizures induced with chemical or electrical stimulation. Recently Dr. Jennifer Kearney's lab at Northwestern University made a new mouse mode of SCN2A-related epilepsy. As part of her FamilieSCN2A Foundation Action Potential Grant, Dr. Sunita Misra is studying seizures in this new mouse model. Sunita's ongoing work shows that seizures in the new Scn2a mouse model are different than seizures caused by chemical or electrical stimulation. These differences may partly explain why many children with SCN2A-related early onset epilepsy have seizures that are difficult to control with current anticonvulsant medications. Further work will look at the effectiveness of FDA approved anticonvulsant medications at blocking seizures in the SCN2A mouse model.
★ $50,000 – Research Grant (1 year project)
★ Downstream Effects of SCN2A-Related Epilepsy
SCN2A dysfunction changes the way brain cells communicate both electrically and chemically leading to epilepsy and neuropsychological comorbidities. I will use EEG to identify seizure patterns and the role of sleep on seizures in a new mouse model of SCN2A-related epilepsy. Then I will look at neurotransmitter levels in the brains of mice with SCN2A-related epilepsy. I will use drugs that target the abnormal neurotransmitter levels to improve abnormal electrical and chemical signaling in the brain. This work may identify new druggable targets for better control of epilepsy and associated comorbidities in SCN2A-related epilepsy.
Caitlin M. Hudac, Ph.D., Assistant Professor
Center for Youth Development and Intervention (CYDI)
Department of Psychology
Brain Research Across Development (B-RAD) Lab
The Brain Research Across Development (B-RAD) Lab is directed by Dr. Caitlin Hudac, faculty at the University of South Carolina. Dr. Hudac is the Director of the Carolina Autism and Neurodevelopmental (CAN) Center Steering committee.
The B-RAD Lab studies how the brain changes as infants, children, and adults learn about the world, including individuals with neurodevelopmental disorders and/or SCN2A mutations. Dr. Hudac leads the BioGENE Study (Biomarkers of Genetic Etiology of Neurodevelopmental disorders) that is funded via a FamiliesSCN2A Foundation Action Potential Grant. Together with her earlier work, her team has recorded brain waves using electroencephalography (EEG) from over 40 individuals with SCN2A mutations. The goal of this study is to learn about the SCN2A brain (compared to other individuals with a neurodevelopmental disorder)– including general organization, how attention shifts over time, and patterns of learning. We work closely with other scientists to inform preclinical models (e.g., Drosophila and mouse models) and establish reliable biomarkers to use to evaluate clinical trials and treatment success.
★ $50,000 – Research Grant (1 year project)
★ SCN2A Neural Biomarkers of Attention
Aligned with the #FamiliesSCN2AFoundation mission to improve the lives of those affected by SCN2A-related disorders, this project aims to generate a candidate biological indicator (“biomarker”) that can be used to track changes in children with SCN2A disruptive mutations. This will be critical for developing and assessing the effectiveness of clinical interventions. For this project, 20 children with disruptive SCN2A mutations will wear an electroencephalography (EEG) net while watching movies. We will test an auditory attention brain biomarker and characterize how these brain responses to sounds relate to other aspects of the child’s behavior.
The FamilieSCN2A Foundation works to create, and seeks to enhance a landscape that encourages investment in research by all stakeholders. This includes actively engaging and collaborating with pharmaceutical and biotech companies. The following requirements will help to ensure the highest level of ethical conduct is followed in the organization’s collaborations with these for-profit companies. The goal in engaging companies is to enable the development of therapies to meet patient needs while maintaining independence and neutrality as a patient organization.
Download PDF FileCompany Engagement:
- Board Members and members of the Scientific Advisory Committee will disclose any and all relationships with companies with whom the organization engages and will annually sign a statement agreeing to the organization’s Conflict of Interest Policy.
- The organization will collaborate with companies, at its discretion and in consultation with its scientific advisors, which are conducting ethical, high-quality research in a responsible manner, according to industry and international regulatory standards.
- The organization will actively seek the guidance and utilize the expertise of its Scientific Advisory Board throughout the process of working with each company.
Data Collection:
The FamilieSCN2A Foundation strongly advocates that all data about a family's medical history, genetic mutation, and all bio-specimens collected (DNA, cell lines, etc) should be in 'pre-competitive' space and should be freely available to any qualified researcher.
This practice helps to amass a large number of families with relevant medical information, which is critical to make progress on any rare disease. It is a strategy used by many other groups and is strongly endorsed by Simons VIP Connect (and made possible by their data platform). This ensures that any researcher with a good idea will be able to design experiments and potentially develop treatments. We are committed for the long term to make all de-identified data and samples available to the research community to make it easier for more scientists to work to find treatments for families. We strongly believe this arrangement is in the best interest of families and the entire SCN2A Community.
Patient Engagement:
To avoid any potential appearance of conflict of interest, Board Members, who have a fiduciary responsibility to the organization and direct the acceptance and use of funds provided by pharmaceutical companies, should not testify at regulatory hearings. Patients and members of the community with a connection to the pharmaceutical company, such as relatives of an employee or owners of stock in the company, should also not testify at hearings.
Financial Contributions:
The organization can accept donations from pharmaceutical companies; however, Board Members and staff may not receive honoraria to speak on behalf of the organization. Travel expenses incurred to participate in disease-awareness activities may be reimbursed directly to the individual or the organization.
Clinical Trial and Approved Therapy Communication:
- The organization will disseminate accurate, fair and balanced information about clinical trials provided by a pharmaceutical or biotech company without additional commentary or opinion that may influence an individual’s decision to participate in a clinical trial or that may change the meaning of the information.
- The organization does not communicate information in a manner that could be interpreted as advertising or promoting a drug or treatment that has not been approved.
The FamilieSCN2A Foundation recognizes the need for open lines of communication, connecting scientists, and forming partnerships with doctors, researchers, and patient organizations which help avoid duplication of efforts. We partner with organizations who share our priorities of finding effective treatments and a cure, and who share our integrity and values that support our mission. Global collaboration will get us closer to a cure of SCN2A related disorders.
Advocacy organizations, medical partners, industry or other parties interested in partnering with The FamilieSCN2A Foundation can contact Leah Schust, President and Founder, for more information.
- Become familiar with your genetic change. Speak with your neurologist and genetic counselor. Learn the terminology (e.g. Missense, Nonsense, Mosaic, DeNovo, Gain of Function, Loss of Function). Use the tools and information, including educational videos provided on this site. Subscribe to the FamilieSCN2A Foundation email list to receive up-to-date information.
- Collect your medical records and have them organized, preferably as scanned or electronic copies. If you have participated in Simons VIP/Searchlight, they can assist you with this process. If you have a Ciitizens/Invitae account you can share information electronically with anyone you choose. If your medical provider has an electronic health record system (such as ‘mychart’) you can retrieve information from there.
- Discuss with your physicians whether participation in a particular clinical trial is appropriate for you and your family. Ask if they are willing to connect with a trial sponsor or principal investigator if necessary.
- Know your patient rights. If it is not clearly stated in the informed consent document, ask questions about confidentiality and how the data will be used. Will it be returned to you or to one of SCN2A's databases: Simons VIP/Searchlight or CRTS? (Did you know that you can request that any bio-specimen samples, including iPSCs (stem cells), be returned and housed with Simons so other researchers can utilize them?)
- If you are contacted to participate in research and you are unsure about the ethics involved or have not heard about the study through the FamilieSCN2A Foundation, please contact us at We can help you determine the legitimacy of the research as well as ensure that all avenues to collaboration are open for the best interest of the community.
- Review the Patient Bill of Rights from The National Institutes of Health.
- Helpful links for additional information:
- Kids in Research
- Rare Disease Research in Europe (EURODIS)
Ways To Contribute
Whatever you decide, please let us know. We are here to support you with ideas, resources and more. Check out the FamilieSCN2A Fundraising Page on facebook to see how others have helped.
Raise Funds
Sign up with iGive, an automated program that donate a portion of online sales to charity.