Only the lucky few get to experience the magic of raising a unicorn. They’re rare. They require vigilant care. They are brave, strong and beautiful. They push others to change the way they see the world.
Amelia Rose Weaver, 12-year-old unicorn, of Hibbing, is no longer suffering after a lifelong battle with Scn2a. She passed away Aug. 16, 2018.
She’s most likely having a dance party in heaven. While she is missing her sister, Penelope, her favorite dance partner, she knows they will one day be together again shaking it off to TSwift, of course, in matching outfits.
Amelia’s Unicorn life mission of spreading hope and fighting on lead her to experience a lifetime in her short years. Amelia was incredibly proud of being a part of advocating to change two laws in Minnesota so patients like her could experience quality of life. Amelia continued to share her life experiences, hoping to encourage everyone around her to Fight On in theirs.
Unicorns can be camera shy, but thanks to her scrapbooking, picture happy Mom, Amelia learned to embrace the selfie. She thought it was pretty cool that her story was in a museum, newspapers, magazines, the news and even on billboards.
No one fights alone, and Amelia always felt the love surrounding her from her family, friends, Scn2a family, therapists, nurses, doctors, supporters and community. This support often got Amelia through the tough times and long hospitalizations.
Unicorns love to travel, and Amelia was no different. One of her favorite vacations was her Make-A-Wish Trip to Orlando, Fla., where she got to experience some of her favorite things: Star Wars, Harry Potter and Cinderella. Not having to wait in lines was pretty great too.
Unicorns don’t believe in regrets, and Amelia lived in such a way that she had none, except maybe not getting to see a Vikings Super Bowl win with her Dad.
Loving a unicorn is easy. Learning to live without seeing one everyday won’t be. Amelia asks that you continue to surround her family with love.